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St Richards Hospice Thrilled with new website

Posted on Feb 05, 2016 by

Kind comments recieved from St Richards on twitter regarding their new website

@modusdigital have said that it was great to work with the team at St Richard’s Hospice when setting up their new website. They knew what they wanted to achieve (always a bonus!) from the start, but were also happy to take advice and feedback from us when it came to the implementation of their goals. They already had loads of great web content, which we transferred over to the new website, and for a short time we ran the two websites in tandem so the team could get used to posting content to the new site. We were pleased to see how quickly they got used to the new CMS, and they offered helpful feedback to us during this period so we could make the final adjustments to help them best manage their content. And look forward to working with them in the future.

strich new