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Quest On Hand Glove Branding

Posted on May 13, 2016


Hands-on design for this national brand. Modus were awarded the brand development and creative design for a new range of On-Hand gloves for Quest Consumables. Modus Creative's design team have been working for Quest (based in Nuneaton) for over 10 years.

Quest Branding On Hand Gloves


Glove Branding.

Bright orange grippy gloves are the latest development for workshops and industry. These new gloves are the next generation of hand protection and modus creative were awarded the branding and brochure development.

“Grip Plus’ was the new brand and modus’ Creative Director Guy Marson led the branding project.

Guy said “Once the branding was agreed we set up a photo studio in a local garage in Worcester and shot new images for the new gloves brochure.

We designed the new brochure which will be a Direct Mail piece launching the new ranges of gloves. The Direct Mail programme includes a free pair of each of the gloves in the range.

Modus created a digital flip book which will feature in an email campaign.


view online here: On Hand 


