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Oculus Rift

Posted on Apr 08, 2015 by

Great afternoon at modus HQ running Oculus rift around the various teams. Can see so many applications for our clients.

The Rift uses custom tracking technology to provide ultra-low latency 360° head tracking, allowing you to seamlessly look around the virtual world just as you would in real life. Every subtle movement of your head is tracked in real time creating a natural and intuitive experience. It creates a stereoscopic 3D view with excellent depth, scale, and parallax.

Unlike 3D on a television or in a movie, this is achieved by presenting unique and parallel images for each eye. This is the same way your eyes perceive images in the real world, creating a much more natural and comfortable experience. The Oculus Rift delivers a high-end virtual reality experience at an affordable price. The Rift is also designed to be as comfortable and lightweight as possible for long play sessions.

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